You are not far from the truth, but I have to say this real quick: there are still good people out there. I've met quite a lot of compassionate people in my life.There you will witness man's inhumanity to man.
This is where I'm coming from. There are bad people everywhere, but that doesn't mean everyone is bad. Making judgements based on a few individuals is not fair.You're looking at a smaller population and applying that to 8,000,000,000 people. One nation of 10,000,000 might have a labour force of 2,500,000, and of that, 50,000 extracting natural resources.
You're likely surrounded by the bad ones, but I know you must have also interacted with good people too. Isn't it?Another time, perhaps. I worked with the general public for around a decade. All I got was shit on daily. F that.