I went 8 hours straight, accidentally skipping a meal, making a XenForo add on completely with ChatGPT. I wanted to see if it was possible to make a more complex add on, over what I have made previously before, with only AI (and some manual tweaking, that I had it check for compatibility issues or to see if it needed to be optimized for better performance with PHP 8.3 as I'm still learning PHP 8~ functions over what I knew with PHP3/4).
It's nothing that you will visibly see here as it just works in the background Further, it's also not anything that would be useful to any other forum anyway, since its only mission is to clean up my edit history as I'm a habitual editor on a single post for the first 1-2 minutes, sometimes making up to 10 edits, because I don't proof my writing as I should before submitting a post the first time.
I thoroughly tested it on a developer installation, and I was confident enough to deploy it on the live installation after everything I could check for was debugged.
That said, I didn't go to the extent that I did before with smaller add ons that do small tweaks to make it installable, disableable, or uninstallable, as it's not required for this case. Doing that would also add to the complexity of using XenForo's cron job system. It also doesn't appear in the installed add ons list. It merely just sits in a file and includes the necessary XenForo framework initialization file (XF.php) to make it work when needed, or when a operating system/cron job is called.
Suffice it to say, I learned a great deal out of the process. One takeaway is that ChatGPT knows the XenForo framework, so it can help me debug issues I have later in writing add ons manually until I'm to a point where I don't need to rely on it and can spot what I'm looking for on my own to fix.