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discuss Which sports do you think should be scrapped?

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Oct 12, 2024
LOL Coins
There are so many sports which fans enjoy all over the world which I don't have any problem with most of them but if I can think of any one which I believe that should be scrapped or ended, it will be the UFC slap fighting.

It's just a dumb sports where players only expose themselves to be injured because they are not allowed to protect their hand from being hit so hard.

What other sports do you think should be banned?
UFC slap fighting
This for sure.

I watched the Power Slap tv series for the drama, but when it finally formed into a "sport", I just saw how stupid it was. It's like the kindergarten game "kick in the balls, turn for turn". Why would you just take a "slap" (arguably a slap over a hit) for the chance at giving another slap to win? These players are going to end up with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), which changed football forever, and they are probably going to develop it much sooner as the impact intervals are much closer together than a headbutt in a game or two followed by a week off and another headbutt in football.

This is surely a case study in the process...

There are a lot of dumb Olympic games that I'd like to see removed (like breakdancing, which was removed after 1 time), but I don't think they should be banned as people do find enjoyment in them.
I was shocked anyone in his right senses would sign that contract with UFC overlooking their health and wellbeing.
Money talks. And, I would assume most of the slap fighters know they have no chance at UFC, so they'll take the next largest contract to get some bread.

Also, another disgusting one is butt slapping.
Never heard of this one, but it sounds safer, to a degree, over facial jabs ("slaps"). I know one person who got kneed in the general area and got compartmental syndrome so he had to have a chunk of muscle removed. I'm hoping the butt slapping is unable to do that. It still sounds stupid as a sport, but if it can't create permanent damage like that other than bruising and the occasional bursting of a varicose vein, then let them have it and get the money. However, I won't be a spectator.
Money talks. And, I would assume most of the slap fighters know they have no chance at UFC, so they'll take the next largest contract to get some bread.

Never heard of this one, but it sounds safer, to a degree, over facial jabs ("slaps"). I know one person who got kneed in the general area and got compartmental syndrome so he had to have a chunk of muscle removed. I'm hoping the butt slapping is unable to do that. It still sounds stupid as a sport, but if it can't create permanent damage like that other than bruising and the occasional bursting of a varicose vein, then let them have it and get the money. However, I won't be a spectator.
This is one of the competition that was held in Romania. Imagine that being easily accessible for kids to watch. It's crazy.

This is one of the competition that was held in Romania. Imagine that being easily accessible for kids to watch. It's crazy.
I've noticed that Europe and East Asia are more sexual, at least here in Japan. I was surprised to see boobs on TV in the afternoon, albeit like a 3-second clip. In contrast, the United States is much more violent with blood and gore at the same timeslots. So, the argument could go both ways. With that said, that's only applicable for national viewing; the internet has opened it up to let anyone access content like this.

This should be marked on YouTube for at least 13+ though, which I believe you need to be to access "all" YouTube content (unless explicit parental settings are set). I came to this conclusion because Google emailed me when my daughter turned 13 notifying me that she has more visible content across the networks. I would rate this PG-13, but I wouldn't want my daughter to see the over-sexualization of women so early, or preferably, at all, but eventually, she will. I suppose it's up to the parents to monitor what their kids do and to also have open conversations with them about what is or isn't right about it.

As for that being a sport, it's more like a "gentleman's" sport to watch. I don't think they'd be into it for the sport though, as after viewing it, I didn't find any sporting in that.
I watched a sport in the last Olympics known as curling. Players slide stones across ice towards a particular target. The closer the stone is it the target, the more points scored.
I wasn't impressed to be honest, like what even is that?

Curling is huge though internationally. That's never going away.
Curling is huge though internationally. That's never going away.
I would've never known this. I've only ever seen it during the Olympics.

Is it like a sport-sport with like teams or leagues anywhere or is it like a "day at the park" type sport like cornhole?
Any sports that puts human life in danger should be scrapped. I think MMA should be stopped, I also believe bull fighting should he stop. It is not just dangerous to human being but also cruelty towards animal
Any sports that puts human life in danger should be scrapped.
I disagree. I believe that we should allow mutual combat.

That said, there are states where mutual combat is legal, as in you just want want to fight someone without catching an assault charge. You can do that legally for as long as a police officer is present to stop the fight when they feel it's too much.

Mutual combat has been around as long as humans too (maybe I'm exaggerating that), but a long time nonetheless.
Any sports that puts human life in danger should be scrapped. I think MMA should be stopped, I also believe bull fighting should he stop. It is not just dangerous to human being but also cruelty towards animal

If they scrapped sports that put even the slightest hint of danger in human life, we'd have no sports at all. American football, hockey, rugby all incredibly physical and violent. Baseball, you run the risk of getting hit with a baseball at a very high speed etc.
If they scrapped sports that put even the slightest hint of danger in human life, we'd have no sports at all. American football, hockey, rugby all incredibly physical and violent. Baseball, you run the risk of getting hit with a baseball at a very high speed etc.
Competitive running, at that, too.

So many heart attacks in those sports, whether 100 meters or marathons.
If they scrapped sports that put even the slightest hint of danger in human life, we'd have no sports at all. American football, hockey, rugby all incredibly physical and violent. Baseball, you run the risk of getting hit with a baseball at a very high speed etc.
You have a point but some sports are more about hitting people than a thing, a ball for instance. When someone plays MMA, he will hit another person. but when someone plays Rugby or Baseball he is not targeting a person.
Rugby or Baseball he is not targeting a person.
Not always the case. Teams team up to try and take out the other team's A players all the time. However, their goal isn't to kill them, it's still meant to injure them for the duration of the game, but can result in a whole season if it's bad enough.
You have a point but some sports are more about hitting people than a thing, a ball for instance. When someone plays MMA, he will hit another person. but when someone plays Rugby or Baseball he is not targeting a person.

In Rugby you are though because the goal is to stop the other team from scoring, so whoever has the ball, it's the other team's job to get that ball from them.

Baseball is about speed, getting hit with a pitch that can exceed 100MPH is also risky.
UFC slap fighting.
This is the dumbest and worst sport anyone has ever "invented". Some people were saying it has a lower risk compared to boxing, and that is not true. At least in boxing you brace yourself, duck, weave, and generally avoid the blows.

In slap fighting you do not, and thus you are at a higher risk of different types of brain injuries, including CTE.
I believe that should be scrapped or ended, it will be the UFC slap fighting.
Yes, I totally agree with you on that! I'm one of the critics of the UFC's slap fighting league and it's because of safety and it also lack regulations.
disagree. I believe that we should allow mutual combat.

I don't like that sport personally but I respect your perspective. I did because mutual combat is good for testing our physical strenght and mental limits if it's done safely.
I agree Slap fight and also Golf because I find Golf boring and still unsure how people are able to play for hours.