It is major problem of women is impulsive purchase at groceries or any problem that leads to financial problems between the couples for example.
We had an era of a couple of years on the poverty line, so by being able to live that way, we've never really exceeded it for more luxurious purchases, even though we can now.
For instance, I had headphones that worked just fine, but one earcup broke off. I kept taping it together to fix it every time it broke, but then it finally broke in a place where I could no longer fix it that way. So, after months of having broken headphones, I finally purchased a new pair for $290ish. I hope they last me as long, or longer, than the other pair; they seem firm, in that there aren't a lot of moving parts that could break like that.
This month was the first time my wife bought jewelry in, who knows how long, that wasn't under $10. She saw something pretty that was $150, and of course, I let her buy it.
We have the money to buy things, but, we're just thrifty still.
Our wall-mounted living room TV (55") went out a couple of months ago, so we just moved a spare 32" to put on a shelf below it. There are some cheap TVs out there, like $250 now, but we just don't see a need to replace it yet.