My newly furnished house paid in full, close to $300,000. I would've preferred to keep the money in a high dividend account and get paid out about $2500-3000/month to be used as a loan for it, but I wanted to ensure that there was financial continuity after my passing and no need to manage a loan like that as my wife wouldn't understand how to cash out, make the payment, etc., and it's also not a certainty that the ETFs would continue paying out the same amount, or be around, forcing her to cash it all in and lose income later in life when the house is paid off.
Next would be my car at $20,000.
And then my camera gear (Canon 5D IV, which is still a beast to this day, even with mirrorless taking over) with an assortment of Canon 'L' lenses, flashes, and other lighting equipment, and a humidity cabinet around $15,000. However, besides the camera at $2700, everything else was pieced together over the years.
Then would come in tech. A gaming laptop I'll get every 2-3 years which generally is about $2000-3000.
Lastly, my cellphone is swapped every 2 years for around $1200, but it's caked into my cell bill instead so it makes the phone not only cheaper, but reduces my payment by like 40% if I trade it in on or after the 18th month. But, I'm unsure if I'm going to upgrade this round, as tempting as the S24/S25 with the titanium build is, the new cell plan offered with my unlimited data now caps tethering at 25 GB. I'm sure I could root the phone to bypass this tracking, but then I'd void the warranty and insurance, so the loss is much greater if I did and the phone broke.
I'm not rich, by my standards, to have done this within the past 4 years, I just had periods where a lot of money fell into my lap all at once.