Fitness apps and accessories are in things and they are trendy these days. I have seen many using them..I am into exercise and fitness regime from few decades and I am very regular to it. People are surprised when I say that I don't use any fitness accessories or apps. Well, other than my trackpants, yoga pants, weights, shoes, swimming costume for swimming, I use no gadgets or apps. So, how do I track my fitness or keep the goal? How do I stay motivated? ...these are few questions I am always asked. I just follow my heart and love to exercise. I keep varieties to stay entertained and let all my muscles exercised. I don't keep any goals, I just have the habit to exercise and do it daily. I don't need any external motivation. The energy and happiness that exercising brings to me is my motivation.
How about you?
What's your viewpoint on these fitness apps and accessories? Do you use them? Have they helped you?
How about you?
What's your viewpoint on these fitness apps and accessories? Do you use them? Have they helped you?