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fitness Do you exercise/workout?

This general fitness thread covers all aspects of fitness, including workouts, nutrition, wellness tips, lifestyle changes, and fitness advice.
I have an exercise bike and a rowing machine but I hardly ever use them. I just get too busy and forget to exercise. I really should get back into it, I do situps every so often though.
I don't workout very often anymore, but every once in awhile I get motivated to do push ups.
This is how I began. I learned that firefighters do 40 pushups a day and then looked up why. Doing 40 pushups per day reduces cardiac arrest by a significant amount.

I didn't want to do just flat pushups though as I wanted to build my upper chest first, so I would put my feet up on the couch to mimic doing an "incline bench" with pushups. So, I started at a measly 5, or maybe, 6 repetitions in one set. As the days and weeks went on, I reached 10. Then, I got stuck on a long plateau of 36, but was finally able to reach 40 after about 2 months.

You have to start somewhere if you're going to start. I laugh at the thought that I could have only done 5 pushups now.

I now do flat dumbbell presses and then move on to incline dumbbell presses. However, I'll still wake up and do the occasional set of pushups.
How about you? Do you like to work on your fitness?
I am on a fat-loss journey starting at around 18% body fat. I go to the gym every other day and sometimes do double days (Monday, Tuesday, then Wednesday off, and then Thursday, repeat, or just one time every other day).

I can now see the "diamonds" on my calves, thighs, and triceps pretty well. My abs aren't as visible because I have excess skin and water retention there, but they'll show soon enough.

I will do a quarter-mile run at 6.2 mph, trying to get it in under 2 minutes and 25 seconds, which I'm sure would be much more possible on a track as a treadmill gradually speeds up to the top speed instead of, for instance, of you hitting it directly at 6.2mph. Because I want to improve my quarter-mile time, I will run to 0.33 miles (1/3rd mile) and hit it around the 3-minute 10-second mark.

Then, I'll do a HIIT-style workout with every set to technical failure - or the "jail style" workout (why people come out of jail so jacked).

After my workout, I hit the treadmill again for a "quick start" workout that runs for 60 minutes. I average a 3.2 mph pace at 10-12% grades.

My last walking climb, yesterday, I did an average speed of 3.2 mph for a time of 65 minutes, going a distance of 3.51 miles and climbing 1,910 feet.
I have an exercise bike and a rowing machine but I hardly ever use them.
There's always time. You just need to find it.

Just try to watch a YouTube video while on them. Put them to use! :p
I do situps every so often though.
I quit doing situps in favor of planks for my core because situps aren't too good on the hip flexors after a while.

Something to think about.

I've been considering buying Thread Locker One and using a locked thread (no one can reply), instead of Google Sheets, to log my fitness activity. Then you can see, day by day, progress can be made, but you just have to start, @Bawse.
I’ve made it part of my routine on a daily basis to exercise. I engage in regular exercise to improve my overall wellbeing. And it doesn't have to be tedious, just a gentle walk around your compound would be fine.
Even after working out, I have a daily steps target which I must check everyday without failure. I have a 6,000 steps target which I do every day. It serves as another mild workout in some way.
Yes, I exercise. depending on my mood and time available, I do different kinds of exercise from high intensity interval training to light impact exercise like walking. I also do push ups, sit up and chin up.
Having a disciplined lifestyle really helps. If you can workout or exercise even at home then you can stay fit. I do like to exercise daily in the morning.
Yes, I exercise. depending on my mood and time available, I do different kinds of exercise from high intensity interval training to light impact exercise like walking. I also do push ups, sit up and chin up.

That's so cool! Aerobic exercises are good to charge your energy, while walking is another type of excercise that works for me too. In a nutsell, I like the sets of exercise that you do.
Yes, I exercise. depending on my mood and time available, I do different kinds of exercise from high intensity interval training to light impact exercise like walking. I also do push ups, sit up and chin up.
Those are good for building up the body muscles and making our bodies healthy too. I find it to be more pleasant whenever I exercise with my friends or family. It's more fun with my buddies.
We need to exercise daily and stay disciplined because these are the things that can make us fit and healthy and we should adopt these good habits.
We need to exercise daily and stay disciplined because these are the things that can make us fit and healthy and we should adopt these good habits.
Exercise is is good! It makes me stronger. I set rules for myself and one of those rules is to get up and move around at least once a day. I engage in sports, I do bicycle, I can even dance.
Yes, but I only do when I start gaining more weight beyond what's ideal for me. I don't do heavy workouts though. Just a little control over your diet and some light exercise daily.
Exercise is is good! It makes me stronger. I set rules for myself and one of those rules is to get up and move around at least once a day. I engage in sports, I do bicycle, I can even dance.
It's good to adopt these good habits and if we are unable to exercise or walk in the morning then we should do that in the evening.
I exercise at home. However, I only do light exercises since it is the ideal one for my health condition. I work out three to four times a week. I have an AB roller that I use to help me shed off some pounds.
I try my best.

Recently, I'm aiming for exercising off around 1,280 calories a day.

I don't always meet my goal but I do most days.

I bike (when it's nice outside) about 2 to 3 days a week. I'll ride anywhere from 10 to 62 miles a day. I choose rugged areas to ride in to ensure I'm getting a serious workout. I road bike, gravel bike, and mountain bike.

I also hike 2 to 3 days a week. Usually, it's 4 to 8 miles with around 1,000 feet of elevation.

I try to move, stand, and get my steps in to make my Apple Watch happy, too, lol.