I've already learned a lot of these life lessons and put them into practice in my own way. They are truly helpful for advancing your future.
20 Short Habits With a Massive Return on Life
- Write down one thing you're grateful for every day.
- Consume educational content at 1.5x speed. Retention is the same.
- Swap your phone for a Kindle at bedtime (fixed 90% of my sleep problems).
- Automate small decisions/tasks. Save your brain power for bigger things.
- Learn to use body scan meditation to fall asleep quickly.
- If you want something, ask for it. Closed mouths don't get fed.
- Double down on creative activities that make you lose track of time.
- Keep a swipe file of things that resonate with you.
- Write down the most story-worthy moment from each day.
- Put your phone out of reach while you're working.
- Try tracking every minute of your day. See how you actually spend time.
- If you're procrastinating on something, work on it for just 2 minutes.
- Be bored more often. Give your brain space to be creative.
- Revisit things that have brought you joy in the past. They'll do it again.
- Take care of your information diet. Carefully curate your feeds.
- Reach out to people just because they crossed your mind.
- Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel.
- "Read what you love, until you love to read" - Naval Ravikant
- If you want to change something in your life—track it.
- Break down problems into the smallest possible action steps.