Whats your opinion about YouTube music?
I have YouTube Music because it came with YouTube Premium, which I signed up for to stop all those two 15-second ads before videos, and ads throughout videos.
This is because it was a very crowded interface
You're right, the UI is a bit crowded and unorganized(*) when put next to Spotify. But, why pay for Spotify when the primary reason I have it is that it was bundled with YouTube Premium? It takes some getting used to, but I've gotten used to navigating it and find no problems with it now with such a long history of use.
(*) It took me a minute or two to find out where downloaded music goes, a question you later asked. It's under your avatar (top right) and "Downloads". I thought it would be more intuitive and have a swipeable playlist alongside others, but it was difficult to find. Suffice it to say, I don't use the feature as I have unlimited data, but do have "smart downloads" enabled so I am never without some music I enjoy.
Certain new features such as advanced search, customised skin, song schedules etc should be added.
I would like it if they injected new music in between your shuffled play, i.e., you start with X by Y and it'll go through all the songs that you typically listen to. It would be nice if there was an algorithm that could insert a new song you never heard, and do it in such a way that it analyzes the beat of the previous song, so the song you were listening to could flow right into a new song with the same rhythm and it not be a totally different sound.
1. Do they permit us to add our own music files into the playlist?
Yes, you can build your own playlists. If you add the YT Music widget to your lock screen, you can click the "like" (thumbs up) button to automatically add it to your liked music, and then later reorganize it into another playlist. This comes in handy when you're driving as it's not a huge distraction to do that.
2. Do you think they will unbundle the package from the YT videos anytime soon?
I hope not because it's a great value.
Do you know if we can play it offline?
You can download individual songs for offline playing.
There's also a feature called "smart downloads" that you can enable. You can set it to download up to 500 songs (approximately 2GB) and it'll download them (presumably on Wi-Fi) automatically so you will always have a rotating playlist based on your recommendations and history that you can play while offline.