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fit log Share Your Workout Routines

This thread allows the OP to track workouts, monitor progress, set goals, and share fitness achievements with the community.


Lieutenant Riot
Aug 30, 2024
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Halo of Righteousness
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I've been slacking off lately, but when spring rolls around and I want to look good in my bikini I do the following:
1. 75 abdominal crunches.
2. 25 reps on the rowing machine.
3. 15 minutes on the statioary exercise bike.

I'm fairly tall and weigh only 125 pounds so am doing pretty good.
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1. 75 abdominal crunches.
You might want to incorporate planks for a stronger core. It can also be beneficial and save your hip flexors. There's been a huge study on this, and why the Marines recently moved from crunches to planks during the physical fitness test.
“Research has shown that crunches with the feet restrained require significant hip flexor activation,” Stephenson explained in a statement.

“This has been linked to an increased risk of injury, including lower back pain,” he added.

Marines will be expected to perform a forearm plank - an exercise where the body is held in a push-up-like position while being supported by the forearms, elbows, and toes.

Additionally, the plank has “numerous advantages as an abdominal exercise,” according to the Marines. The exercise “activates almost twice as many muscles as the crunch and has been proven to be most reliable in measuring the true endurance required for daily activity function,” Stephenson said.
Source: https://www.military.com/daily-news...ches-go-planks-their-annual-fitness-test.html

The rest of my core gets plenty of work from compound exercises like the bench, deadlift, and squat. I dropped crunches for cable twists and planks to get every bit out of the core after compounds.
2. 25 reps minutes on the rowing machine.
3. 15 minutes on the statioary exercise bike.
Nice work. Any settings to make it more difficult, like friction?
I do a combination of PPL: Push, Pull, Legs, and then sometimes switch it up to a bro-workout of chest, back, shoulders/arms, and legs, and then add accessory workouts for lacking parts as needed, such as rear deltoids (behind the shoulder) on chest day or calves on back day.

As I'm trying to get down to 6-8% body fat, I do 65 minutes on the treadmill on a 10-15% incline at an average pace of 3.2-3.3 mph and burn anywhere from 600-650 calories, per the estimation on the machine.
Nice work. Any settings to make it more difficult, like friction?
TYpo error on the rowing machine, 25 reps only no minutes. Ya, the rowing machine as well as the exercise bike have settings. On the rowing machine I have it set on a 5 out of 10. As to the bike I have it set on a very tough 8 out of 10.
High Intensity Interval Training is my favorite workout routine. HIIT involves doing intense activity followed by rest and then again intensive activity. This not only helps you in building your stamina but also builds muscle mass.
On the weekends, I hike. I usually hike around 3 to 10 miles a day for 2-3 days. Elevation gain is usually around 500 to 1,200 feet.

Throughout the week, I bike 2-3 days. I usually ride 20 miles on a fairly flat rail trail and then do 7 miles on a hilly singletrack mountain bike trail.

I used to weight 350 pounds. I weight about 250 now. A lot of it is height. I'm around 6'5" tall.
I am doing a 25-minute walk daily on our lawn. I am also a deep swimmer. I swim into the deep sea every Saturday and Sunday and during holidays when I am free at work.
On the weekends, I hike. I usually hike around 3 to 10 miles a day for 2-3 days. Elevation gain is usually around 500 to 1,200 feet.
What size pack do you use, if any? I have no choice but to use a treadmill and get in about 3 miles/2000 ft. I don't know if the gym would allow me to use a 40 lb weight vest on the machine as it's kind of a safety hazard with a fall, so I never tried.

Though, I want to hike my neighborhood which would give me about a 3 mile, +500, -500, +200, -200 gain as I am on the lower end of a "mountain" (a large hill rater) that goes down, up, back down, circles around, and then up to finish the route. But I've been looking into a 60L or 70L pack. I just don't know what I'd fill it with for the weight while I slowly build camping gear, besides dumbbells wrapped in towels, to do such a hike with. I've been considering just the weight vest and a pack that could hold 30 lbs of dumbbells to get in a hike though.
I swim into the deep sea every Saturday and Sunday and during holidays when I am free at work.
Be safe out there. Them rip tides can sure make it hard sometimes!
What size pack do you use, if any? I have no choice but to use a treadmill and get in about 3 miles/2000 ft. I don't know if the gym would allow me to use a 40 lb weight vest on the machine as it's kind of a safety hazard with a fall, so I never tried.

Though, I want to hike my neighborhood which would give me about a 3 mile, +500, -500, +200, -200 gain as I am on the lower end of a "mountain" (a large hill rater) that goes down, up, back down, circles around, and then up to finish the route. But I've been looking into a 60L or 70L pack. I just don't know what I'd fill it with for the weight while I slowly build camping gear, besides dumbbells wrapped in towels, to do such a hike with. I've been considering just the weight vest and a pack that could hold 30 lbs of dumbbells to get in a hike though.

Be safe out there. Them rip tides can sure make it hard sometimes!
We live near the sea and beaches. I started swimming at age 7 and learned deeps sea swimming at age 17. My dad hired a coach for me and y siblings.
We live near the sea and beaches. I started swimming at age 7 and learned deeps sea swimming at age 17. My dad hired a coach for me and y siblings.
That's an amazing thing to do. I like swimming but don't know how. It would be great if I have such opportunities too. Learning from childhood is an added advantage. One of these days, I might also give it a try at a swimming pool close to my house.
To be honest with you, I prefer yoga and more. Essentially, I have discovered that working the muscles around my middle has really improve my overall posture. I have also been doing some types of exercises that involve the body weight like push-ups and squats.
Yoga exercises are perfect since they help in building both strength and endurance. It helps in boosting posture and balance when you work out. I will suggest push-ups are squats. They are very good too.