I had some time to kill this afternoon, so I put on Netflix (Japan—Unsure of Netflix US availability) to quick pick a movie.
It automatically selected La Palma and the trailer looked interesting. Then, I realized that it was a TV series and not a movie, but investigated it a bit more to find it's a limited series with just 4 episodes that would've been about the length of 2 movies.
So, the wife and I binge watched it this quiet afternoon.
I didn't realize that it was a foreign series until a couple minutes in when the lips weren't syncing. I'm not one to like foreign films too much, so my hopes at it being as good as the trailer faded.
However, as the first episode went on, and there was immediate character development and a clear plot line that was established, I was hooked.
La Palma is a series about a volcanic eruption about a volcanic eruption on the Canary Islands that causes a devastating tsunami that eventually reaches costal areas of several continents around the world.
And, while the plot line is clearly established, there are some great twists in it that leave you hanging on to see who will make it out alive, some obvious, but some not quite as much.
If you're into disaster movies, this series won't let you down.