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game Impact of gaming on real life skills

For threads discussing games on PC, consoles, or other platforms.
Though I haven't experienced that since I'm not in the military, report says that soldiers are often made to play shooting games regularly so that they can improve in their real life shooting skills.
I am not sure whether soldiers are made to play shooting games regularly or not but I have read about some studies that analyzed soldiers' performance based on those who play games and those who do not play games. It turned out that the ones who played games performed better on field.
I think it has three positive effects.

1. It increases dexterity in which the our fingers can perform fine movements. Infact, being a doctor, I know many physiotherapists who has successfully increased the dexterity of stroke patients who wanted to be rehabilitated occupationally.

2. It helps in increasing the focus. The idea being games require us to focus on a particular character in the field which is ladden with a plethora of objects intended to distract us.

3. Forming bonds with the gaming community helps to bring the value of socialisation into people.