Parenting is challenging, but the most rewarding experience of your life. You will not want to trade your children for any wealth in this world, no matter how much they trouble you or annoy you.
They often say that parenting a toddler is tough, or handling a teenager is very tricky. But my real question is... does it ever get easier?
I have two daughters, elder one is going to be 21 in May and younger one is 18. Older one has left my nest for her dream college and career in far off city. She visits us during holidays. Younger one is in college and I am happy that she still stays with us as her college is very close by. Both are independent. But still my concern for them is there. If they are sick, it troubles me. If I don't find the voice happy on phone call, I keep wondering if all is well with them. I will keep advising on good diet, taking care of health etc. I am a counselor to their emotional issues and trust me even your adult child has a lot of emotional issues. She will keep calling for advices in laundry, for pest management in ger hostel room
So, the issues have changed, but parenting is not free of challenges. What is your take on that? Share your experiences.
They often say that parenting a toddler is tough, or handling a teenager is very tricky. But my real question is... does it ever get easier?
I have two daughters, elder one is going to be 21 in May and younger one is 18. Older one has left my nest for her dream college and career in far off city. She visits us during holidays. Younger one is in college and I am happy that she still stays with us as her college is very close by. Both are independent. But still my concern for them is there. If they are sick, it troubles me. If I don't find the voice happy on phone call, I keep wondering if all is well with them. I will keep advising on good diet, taking care of health etc. I am a counselor to their emotional issues and trust me even your adult child has a lot of emotional issues. She will keep calling for advices in laundry, for pest management in ger hostel room
So, the issues have changed, but parenting is not free of challenges. What is your take on that? Share your experiences.