Except, I custom ordered a dual camo mesh mask, which was essentially N0. Since it was double layered, and I have a beard, you couldn't see through it to tell any difference.
Never got the -vid. I might have, because I had the worst cold I ever had for about 2-3 days, but I tested negative. Suffice it to say, I didn't read the instructions right and took the test wrong, so I'd say it was an invalid result. Either way, wouldn't care because there'd be nothing I could do for myself if I did know I had it.
The clinic I go to for my testosterone shots still requires masks, but, it also has a hospice upstairs. So, I wear a real one out of respect to the residents, as I lost my mesh one.
A neck gaiter might be better because you could also probably find one with reflective paint on it. Keep the bugs out and ensure you're seen by others on the road. Also, can be worn during the day as a necklace to keep the sweat from dripping down.
Didn't get them. Threw away the "free invitations" to get them. Don't regret not getting them one bit.
You can find many more people who regret getting them than those that chose to sit it out.
But, your body, your choice. I just hope they are safe in the long term for everyone who decided to get one (whether by choice or coercion of losing a job).